Deliverable 2.1 Open science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (first report)

Executive summary
As of 2016, the European Commission organises its Open Science policy according to eight ambitions, one of which is to create a federated ecosystem of research data infrastructures allowing researchers, communities, citizens, and scientists to share and process publicly funded research results and data across borders and scientific domains. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is foreseen to provide this federated ecosystem. To achieve this aim, efforts through a number of projects are made to understand the state of play, maturity, timelines, conformity, and divergence respectively with common EU guidelines for Open Science. In order to support the European Commission in the work related to mapping the state of play regarding Open Science, the EOSC-Nordic project has performed desktop studies examining Open Science policies across the Nordics and Baltics.
The EOSC-Hub project aims to form a single contact point for European researchers and innovators to facilitate discovery, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Different national regulations govern the use of the aforementioned horizontal IT-resources for data-driven research. The horizontal IT-services services chosen for the desktop studies in this report were limited to nationally available basic horizontal IT-infrastructure, compute and storage, funded by national funders. It is essential to understand the different national processes governing access to resources and to facilitate the potential development of common approaches to access policies and resource provisioning. Understanding access and resource provisioning principles are essential to facilitate the vision of EOSC-Hub.
The studies within this report describe the state of play regarding Open Science and resource provisioning and access policies addressing similarities and differences across the Nordics and the Baltics.
The deliverable can be read on Zenodo here
EC submitted, not approved.