WP6.4 task leader Birgitte Vedel Thage (DeiC)

What is your role in the EOSC-Nordic project?
I am a task leader in work package 6, specifically task 6.4 which is about establishing a knowledge hub. And the knowledge hub is supposed to be a gathering of all the outputs, that come from the project.
What are you working on right now in the EOSC-Nordic project?
Right now, we are in a planning phase, because within the first 9 months, we need to find out how to establish the platform, and also to ensure the sustainability of the platform after the projects ends.
What is the greatest challenge for the EOSC-Nordic project?
I think the biggest challenge is to make it meaningful. To make it meaningful to provide services for researchers across countries. Because researchers are very creative, and they will find solutions very fast, when they need them. So, I think the challenge is to find some high value and top of the art services that really are the leading in the market, to make them attractive to the researchers.
What do we accomplish with the EOSC-Nordic project?
I think this joining of forces has a lot of advantages, first of all in the Nordics. We are known for being good at collaborating. And if we succeed in actually proving that we can use each other’s infrastructure in a useful way, that is good inspiration for the rest of EOSC.