D6.5 Final communications and outreach strategy report
Julkaistu: December 1, 2022
EOSC-Nordic has aimed to facilitate the coordination of EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) relevant initiatives taking place in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania,…
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Deliverable D3.9 Final report on the integration of services into EOSC
Julkaistu: December 1, 2022
More than three years ago, work package 3 (WP3) in EOSC-Nordic started with the hypothesis that the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be –…
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Deliverable D3.8: Programmatic access and resource provisioning of Nordic services via EOSC Marketplace
Julkaistu: December 1, 2022
Within EOSC-Nordic, we started with the hypothesis that the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is being constructed from many services which already exist and are…
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D1.3: Report on the interactions, synergies and cooperation with EOSC related initiatives and their outcome
Julkaistu: December 1, 2022
EOSC-Nordic has been built upon both existing and new collaboration networks. The INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019 funded project, i.e., EOSC-Synergy, EOSC-Pillar, EOSC Nordic, NI4OS-Europe, ExPaNDS, FAIRsFAIR, and…
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D2.9: Sustaining the coordination of EOSC national initiatives at Nordic level
Julkaistu: December 1, 2022
With a budget of 6 million euros, the EOSC-Nordic project aimed to establish the Nordic and Baltic countries as frontrunners in the take-up of the…
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D5.9 Service deployment and cloud computing on distributed Nordic cloud resources
Julkaistu: November 25, 2022
The goal of the T5.2.3 subtask is to investigate and showcase innovative platforms for making scientific tools able to discover and consume cloud computing resources,…
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D5.7 Mapping of technical, repository-specific harvesting endpoints to jointly agreed domain-specific standards and coordination of semantic mapping procedures
Julkaistu: November 25, 2022
During the first period of the EOSC-Nordic project, Task 5.1 concentrated on the integration and discoverability of Nordic community-specific data in EOSC via a central…
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D4.5 Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the region
Julkaistu: November 25, 2022
The EOSC-Nordic project has pledged to implement FAIR in the Nordic and Baltic regions. The tasks of EOSC-Nordic Work Package 4 were, in particular, “support…
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D4.4 Report and recommendations on FAIR incentives and expected impacts in the Nordics, Baltics and EOSC
Julkaistu: July 22, 2022
This deliverable describes ways of developing a FAIR research culture based on incentives. It explores the existing incentive structures in place for FAIR research practices…
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D4.3 Report on Nordic and Baltic repositories and their uptake of FAIR
Julkaistu: July 22, 2022
The EOSC-Nordic project has pledged to implement FAIR in the Nordic and Baltic regions and aims to encourage, support, and assist the research community to…
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